Get Help


At Community Church, we make every effort to meet the needs of the congregation and surrounding community. Whether the need is emotional, physical or spiritual, it is our hope that we can provide support for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Life happens. An illness can sneak up on you. A job can disappear. A relationship can damage you. Community Church can’t promise to fix all of your problems or prevent them from happening, but we can assure you that we will be with you when trouble comes your way.

Below you’ll find a sampling of ministry opportunities available through Community Church. For more information regarding ministries at Community Church, please contact Pastor Jerrad Peterman 724-744-3413 or



The food pantry provides food to needy families in the community at various times throughout the year. Members of the congregation and local organizations donate non-perishable food items to keep the food pantry stocked.  Donations may be left in the storage bin outside the Worship Center anytime the church is open.

Assistance is available by appointment. Email or call 724-744-3413.


Losing a spouse, child or loved one can seem unbearable. GriefShare is a 13-week course that meets to help participants deal with their feelings and begin to rebuild their lives. Contact Pastor Jerrad Peterman at or 724-744-3413.


Anyone who has a need related to separation or divorce is invited to join DivorceCare. Over the course of 13 weeks, participants will gain insight into the healing process that will help them move toward rebuilding their lives. Contact, or contact Pastor Jerrad Peterman at 724-744-3413.


There are families within our community that might have to make the choice between buying Christmas presents for their children and buying groceries or prescriptions. The Holiday Helping Hands program gives Community Church members the blessing of buying Christmas presents for children in our community.

Families must live in Penn Township or adjoining areas to be considered for assistance.  Children from newborn to senior in high school living with the applicant are eligible for gifts.  If you are in need of assistance, please contact the church office.


This important ministry serves a vital role of helping people when they need it. Sometimes people might need groceries or a holiday meal. Others might need assistance due to a situation beyond their control. There are countless scenarios where Family Outreach might step in to show Christ’s love, but one thing is certain — Community Church is committed to helping people who might not have anywhere else to turn. Contact Pastor Jerrad Peterman at 724-744-3413


Unfortunately, some of our members may not be able to physically worship with us. For those members who are home bound or in nursing homes, assisted living facilities or hospitals, members of the pastoral care team make regular visits to share the love of God. Contact Pastor Jerrad Peterman at or 724-744-3413.


This ministry accepts donated supplies and, using their crafty talents, members create sleeping bags for the homeless and lap robes for residents in nursing homes. This group meets regularly at the church to sew and enjoy fellowship with each other. Contact Linda Briggs at


Community Church serves as a distribution point for Tri-City Meals on Wheels. Five days a week, drivers leave from Community Church and deliver meals to members of our community in need.

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